Maureen Crethan Santora

I was an educator in the NYC public school system for 27 years. I began working in 1967 and paused my teaching to raise my 4 children. I have been married for 50 years. I have lived in the same co-op for my entire life. My only son Christopher was murdered on September 11, 2001 working as a firefighter. He was one of the 343 firefighters who died that day. My life has changed for ever. I began to write about my feelings in a journal and that led me to write the 1st of my 3 books, The Day the Towers Fell. It tells the story of what happened that day. My second book My Son Christopher is the story of my son growing up and the third book We Remember is a collection of stories written by parents, and siblings of the people who died that day. My aim has always been to educate children and young adults about September 11,2001.